Malham Tarn

Source of the River Aire?

The answer is a bit complex - Malham Tarn contributes significantly to the River Aire, but it's not the sole source in the traditional sense.

Here's the breakdown:

  • Malham Tarn feeds water into the River Aire system. The Tarn drains into a stream called Malham Water, which then disappears underground through a natural passage known as "Water Sinks."
  • The water doesn't magically appear at the River Aire's source. It travels underground through the limestone bedrock for a while before resurfacing at Airehead Springs, a few kilometers downstream.

There have been debates about the exact source of the Aire. Some argue that since the water ultimately comes from Malham Tarn, it should be considered the source. However, others point out the underground journey the water takes before reappearing as a distinct river.

So, to be accurate, we can say that Malham Tarn is a major contributor to the River Aire, but not the single, definitive source.

Malham Tarn Location

See Map:

NOTE: This is National Trust land, so you are not allowed to take off from here.


If you check this map: NT Map then you will see some not NT land just under 500m away at the North East of the lake... a bit of a pain but looks like you can set off from here an walk with the drone to get closer.



Video here: