Nestled within the picturesque coastal town of Ramsgate lies a hidden gem, the Ramsgate Boating Lake. This Grade II listed structure, once a vibrant hub of activity, now stands as a poignant reminder of a bygone era.

A Brief History

Originally constructed in 1929 as part of the St Lawrence Estate Scheme, the boating lake was a far cry from its current state of disrepair. Designed by renowned architect Basil Deacon, it was a centrepiece of the Art Deco movement, boasting a stunning bandstand and terraced gardens.  

During its heyday, the lake was a popular destination for families, offering pedal boat rentals and leisurely strolls. It was a place where locals and tourists alike could relax, unwind, and enjoy the beauty of the surrounding coastline.

The Decline and Fall

However, as the decades passed, the boating lake began to fall into disrepair. Neglect, coupled with the changing tides of tourism, led to its gradual decline. The once-vibrant attraction became a shadow of its former self, its grandeur fading into obscurity.

Current State and Future Plans

Today, the boating lake remains a poignant reminder of Ramsgate's rich history. While it may be a far cry from its former glory, it still holds a special place in the hearts of locals and visitors alike.

Efforts are underway to restore the boating lake to its former splendor. Various plans have been proposed, including transforming it into a vibrant community hub, complete with a cafe, recreational facilities, and green spaces.

The future of the Ramsgate Boating Lake remains uncertain, but one thing is clear: its preservation is crucial for the town's heritage and its potential as a thriving tourist destination.

Drone video of Ramsgate boating lake

Photos taken at Ramsgate boating lake

Here are just a few photos taken around the area

Location of Ramsgate Boating Lake

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